Deepika Padukone in Archana Rao Label 2:02 PM Deepika Padukone in Archana Rao Label, rose printed Blazers teamed with polka dot trousers. Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: Archana Rao Label, Deepika Padukone Newer Post Older Post My Team You Might Also Like Lavanya Tripathi in Archana Rao Lab...Lavanya Tripathi in Archana Rao lab...Pragya Jaiswal in Archana RaoDeepika Padukone in Ruffle dressDeepika Padukone in Dolce and Gabba...Deepika Padukone in PatineLavanya Tripathi in Archana Rao Lab...Lavanya Tripathi in Archana Rao lab...Pragya Jaiswal in Archana RaoDeepika Padukone in Ruffle dressDeepika Padukone in Dolce and Gabba...Deepika Padukone in Patine 0 comments